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Before you continue.
Let's go over a few basic guidelines established by the server's administrators.
In general, use the tools provided to foster a considerate and accessible atmosphere. This includes the liberal use of content warnings (especially on potentially disturbing or controversial topics), and alt-text captioning of media files.
When possible, provide credit for creative works in your posts that are not your own. Do not share copyrighted material without authorization or proper attribution. Respect the intellectual property rights of others.
Uninvited comments about another user's personal choices, lifestyle or family are strongly discouraged and may be considered harassment. Inappropriate sexual attention, comments about appearance and implication of physical contact will not be tolerated toward any non-consenting user.
If you post sexual content or gore, use content warnings. Avoid posting content that is likely to incite or glorify violence.
If you post advertisements, use a content warning. Advertisements should not be excessive or automated. Avoid spamming, including exessive posting or sharing of irrelevant content.
Bots may only interact with a user when they're invited by that user to do so.
Automated posts and high-frequency posts should be unlisted (rendering visible to everybody, but not appearing on the local timeline) to keep the local timeline of our instance a place of community dialogue and human interaction. This extends to bots, feed posters, Twitter "retweets" and Twitter crossposts with broken mentions. Crossposter accounts that stop being active participants in our community may be removed at the discretion of the moderators.
In discussions, please remain civil, do not insult the people you're talking to. Note that irony, sarcasm, or similar modes of language don't translate well to written language and tend to escalate discussions or misunderstandings.
Do not post or share personal information about others without their explicit consent! Creating accounts for the purpose of impersonating others is prohibited. Respect the privacy settings of users's posts and profiles.